Please cite as : Graham E.B., A. Camargo, R. Wu, R.Y. Neches, M. Nolan, W.C. Nelson, and M.M. Pleake, et al. 2024. Global Soil Virus (GSV) Atlas. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. 10.25584/2229733 This data is published under a CC0 license . The authors encourage data reuse and request attribution by...
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Please cite as : Wu R., A.E. Zimmerman, and K.S. Hofmockel. 2023. RNA viruses in grassland soils (Prosser, WA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. The data is comprised of RNA viral sequences that were bioinformatically screened from the de novo assemblies of...
Extreme weather events, including fires, heatwaves(HWs), and droughts, have significant impacts on earth, environmental, and power energy systems. Mechanistic and predictive understanding, as well as probabilistic risk assessment of these extreme weather events, are crucial for detecting, planning...
This dataset presents land surface parameters designed explicitly for global kilometer-scale Earth system modeling and has significant implications for enhancing our understanding of water, carbon, and energy cycles in the context of global change. Specifically, it includes four categories of...
Please cite as : McClure R.S., Y. Farris, R.E. Danczak, W.C. Nelson, H. Song, A. Kessler, and J. Lee, et al. 2022. Model Soil Consortium 2 (MSC-2) Bacterial Isolate Genomes. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Model Soil Consortium 2 (MSC-2) Bacterial Isolate Genomes...
Please cite as : McClure R.S., Y. Farris, R.E. Danczak, W.C. Nelson, H. Song, A. Kessler, and J. Lee, et al. 2022. Metatranscriptomic data from MSC-2. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Metatranscriptomic data from MSC-2 12 fastq files (6 forward read, 6 reverse...
Rapid remodeling of the soil lipidome in response to a drying-rewetting event - Multi-Omics Data Package DOI Data package contents reported here are the first version and contain pre- and post-processed data acquisition and subsequent downstream analysis files using various data source instrument...
Please cite as : Anderson L.N., R. Wu, W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, K.S. Hofmockel, and J.K. Jansson. 2021. WA-TmG.2.0 (Metagenome, WA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub.​​​​​​​ Soil samples were collected in triplicate in the fall of 2017 across the three grassland...
Please cite as : Anderson L.N., R. Wu, W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, K.S. Hofmockel, and J.K. Jansson. 2021. IA-TmG.2.0 (Metagenome, IA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Soil samples were collected in triplicate in the fall of 2017 across the three grassland locations...
Please cite as : Anderson L.N., R. Wu, W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, K.S. Hofmockel, and J.K. Jansson. 2021. Iso-VIG14.1.0 (Metagenome Derived Viral Genomes, WA/IA/KS). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Soil samples were collected in triplicate in the Fall of 2017...
Please cite as : Anderson L.N., R. Wu, W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, K.S. Hofmockel, and J.K. Jansson. 2021. KS-TmG.2.0 (Metagenome, KS). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Soil samples were collected in triplicate in the fall of 2017 across the three grassland locations...
Last updated on 2023-05-02T18:08:23+00:00 by LN Anderson Fungal Monoisolate Multi-Omics Data Package DOI "KS4A-Omics1.0_FspDS68" Molecular mechanisms underlying fungal mineral weathering and nutrient translocation in low nutrient environments remain poorly resolved, due to the lack of a platform for...
Viral genome assembly annotations from terabase metagenomes (TmG.1.0) from uncultivated soil collections from the IAREC field sites in Washington (IAREC), Kansas (KBPS), and Iowa (COBS), USA. Uncultivated virus Genomes (identified from soil metagenome datasets) Data DOI Package.
Complete replicate terabase metagenome (TmG.2.0) of grassland soil microbiome collections from KPBS field site in Manhattan, KS. Metagenome (unclassified soil sequencing) Data DOI Package, version 2.0.
Complete replicate terabase metagenome (TmG.2.0) of grassland soil microbiome collections from IAREC field site in Prosser, WA. Metagenome (unclassified soil sequencing) Data DOI Package, version 2.0.