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David Degnan is a biological data scientist who develops bioinformatic and statistical pipelines for multi-omics data, specifically the fields of proteomics, metabolomics, and multi-omics (phenotypic) data integration. He has experience with top-down & bottom-up proteomics analysis, genomics &...

Fusarium sp. DS682 Proteogenomics Statistical Data Analysis of SFA dataset download: 10.25584/KSOmicsFspDS682/1766303 . GitHub Repository Source: MaxQuant Export Files (txt) Trelliscope Boxplots (jsonp) Fusarium Report (.Rmd, html)...

Comprised of 6,426 sample runs, The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) proteomics validation study constitutes one of the largest targeted proteomics studies in the literature to date. Making quality control (QC) and donor sample data available to researchers aligns with...

This data is supplementary to the manuscript Expanding the access of wearable silicone wristbands in community-engaged research through best practices in data analysis and integration by Lisa M. Bramer, Holly M. Dixon, David J. Degnan, Diana Rohlman, Julie B. Herbstman, Kim A. Anderson, and Katrina...

A total of 172 children from the DAISY study with multiple plasma samples collected over time, with up to 23 years of follow-up, were characterized via proteomics analysis. Of the children there were 40 controls and 132 cases. All 132 cases had measurements across time relative to IA. Sampling was...

Supporting data and code uploaded to DataHub for "How do the weather regimes drive wind speed and power production at the sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales over the CONUS?" Created by Ye Liu*, Sha Feng*, Yun Qian, Berg K Larry, Huilin Huang *POC: Ye Liu, Sha Feng, --...
