Showing 76 - 90 of 343

Genomic DNA was isolated from soil and rhizosphere samples using the Zymo Quick -DNA fecal/soil microbe miniprep kit (catalog no. D6010) according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Zymo Research; Irvine, CA) with the modification of eluting in 100 uL elution buffer. Sample concentrations were...

Please cite as : Naylor D.T., K.I. Naasko, M.L. Smith, S.P. Couvillion, C.D. Nicora, J.B. Trejo, and S.C. Fransen, et al. 2023. Metatranscriptomic Analysis of Soil. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. RNA was collected from soil at different depths and after three different...

Supporting data and code uploaded to DataHub for "How do the weather regimes drive wind speed and power production at the sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales over the CONUS?" Created by Ye Liu*, Sha Feng*, Yun Qian, Berg K Larry, Huilin Huang *POC: Ye Liu, Sha Feng, --...


Last updated on 2024-02-11T22:41:43+00:00 by LN Anderson MERS-CoV Experiment MCL004 Metadata The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the host response to MERS-CoV virus infection. Sample data was obtained from human lung adenocarcinoma cells (Calu-3) and processed for genome binding/occupancy...

Last updated on 2024-02-11T22:41:43+00:00 by LN Anderson MERS-CoV Experiment MCL005 Metadata The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the human host epigenetic response to MERS-CoV virus infection. Samples were obtained from human lung adenocarcinoma cells (Calu-3) and processed for...

Omics-LHV, West Nile Experiment WCN004 The purpose of this West Nile experiment was to obtain samples for omics analysis in mouse cerebral cortex neurons in response to wild-type West Nile Virus (WNV; WNV-NY99 382) and mutant WNV-E218A (WNV-NY99 382) viral infection. Overall Design: Mouse cortical...

Omics-LHV, West Nile Experiment WCD003 The purpose of this West Nile experiment was to obtain samples for omics analysis in mouse dendritic cell response to wild-type West Nile virus (WNV). Overall Design: Mouse dendritic cells (2 x 10^5) were treated with wild-type WNV and collected in parallel...

Omics-LHV, West Nile Experiment WGCN004 The purpose of this West Nile experiment was to obtain samples for omics analysis in primary mouse granule neuron cells infected with wild type West Nile virus (WNV-NY99 clone 382, WNVWT) and mutant virus (WNVE218A). Overall Design: Granule cell neurons from...

Please cite as : Wu R., M.R. Davison, W.C. Nelson, M.L. Smith, M.S. Lipton, J.K. Jansson, and R.S. McClure, et al. 2023. HiC manuscript: bulk metagenomic data_MG_raw Upload. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. The raw bulk metagenomic data were trimmed and de-novo assembled...

The raw metatranscriptome data collected along the course of metaphenome incubation were trimmed and quality controlled.

Hi-C Viral Host Links: virus-host associations indicated by Hi-C sequencing were processed by Phase Genomics by folowing the protocal,

Assembly product (viral contigs and MAGs) includes the dereplicated viral contigs and the finalized MAGs Note: ADDENDUM LINK REQUIRED for full download

Basic Metadata Instrument ID 59534010 Instrument Name BEND Model Project ID 595341002 Project Name Energy Water Nexus Release Date 2020-04-30T09:55:15 Release State released Release State Display Released Submitted 2020-04-30T16:54:13 Submitter ID 5324928 Submitter Name Casey Burleyson Internal...

Basic Metadata Instrument ID 59534010 Instrument Name BEND Model Project ID 595341002 Project Name Energy Water Nexus Release Date 2020-05-08T09:46:21 Release State released Release State Display Released Submitted 2020-05-08T16:45:21 Submitter ID 5324928 Submitter Name Casey Burleyson Internal...

Basic Metadata Instrument ID 59534013 Instrument Name Agent-based energy-water Model Project ID 595341002 Project Name Energy Water Nexus Release Date 2020-04-28T08:41:00 Release State released Release State Display Released Submitted 2020-04-28T15:38:40 Submitter ID 30807 Submitter Name W David...