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Authors who share their data here expect that it will be re-used. To take advantage of the Site’s Services, including downloading any materials or datasets, users must be registered users. By using or downloading the data, you signify your agreement to the conditions of use stated below:
- The user does not use data to identify or otherwise infringe the privacy or confidentiality rights of individuals discovered inadvertently or intentionally in the data.
- The user will give appropriate attribution to the author(s) of the data in any publication that employs resources provided by the repository.
- The user will abide by the applicable data usage license agreement attached to the dataset.
- If your use or publication requires permission, you must contact the authors directly; administrators of the repository cannot respond to requests for approval.
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To cite items found in DataHub, please use DataHub’s preferred citation format below, which offers proper recognition to authors and permanent identification using global, persistent identifiers in place of URLs.
Author(s). Year. Dataset Title. Version (when appropriate) [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. DOI.
Doe, J. & Deer, A. B. (2021). Wind Farm Energy Usage Data. (Version V. 01) [Data Set]. PNNL DataHub. https://doi.org/10.25584/ABCDEF003/1234567.
DataHub Public Policy
Authors publishing data on DataHub agreed to the following terms.
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Individuals utilizing DataHub must ensure they have the necessary rights or permissions to share any materials they did not generate. The results of an employee’s intellectual and creative efforts are the property of Battelle or, as defined by the contract, its clients or other third parties with whom Battelle does business. While Battelle owns the data, the PI generally has the right to publish the data and is encouraged to do so by the lab and sponsors where appropriate by a Data Management Plan. The PI is responsible for knowing if the funding agreement with the sponsor has any limits on or special requirements for publication. Data must be authored by at least one PNNL researcher with active PNNL-approved Authentication methods for generating user accounts, such as AzureAD, DOE OneID, or ORCiD, at the time of deposit.
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Backup measures are in place to prevent single-point failures. DataHub leverages our institutional Hierarchical Storage Management Archive solution for maintaining multiple copies of data on tape-based storage. DataHub leverages fault-tolerant, high-performance hard disk drive, and solid-state disk storage arrays for intermediate network storage capabilities. DataHub deployment infrastructure is fully automated and tracked in version control (GitLab) which is also backed up using a combination of virtual machine snapshots and scripting methods. Automatic provisioning of virtual DataHub infrastructure is exercised often, and bare metal infrastructure is connected to independent storage arrays maintaining at least an N+1 redundancy. Lack of traditional backups schemas (incremental, differential, full) is considered an acceptable risk based on other means of recovering data or system state. DataHub does not currently have off-site copies of data stored at PNNL and is regarded as an acceptable risk by PNNL.
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Suppose projects do not allocate funds to the Research Computing team to use DataHub. In that case, Research Computing cannot guarantee the hosting or preservation of the data or metadata for any specified period.
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Deposit License
By depositing this Content (“Content”) in the PNNL DataHub data repository for publication, I agree that I am solely responsible for any consequences of uploading this Content to the repository and making it publicly available, and I represent and warrant that:
- I am either the sole creator and the owner of the copyrights and all other rights in the Content; or, without obtaining another’s permission, I have the right to deposit the Content in an archive such as the data repository.
- To the extent that any portions of the Content are not my creation, they are used with the copyright holder’s express permission or as permitted by law. Additionally, the Content does not infringe the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of another, nor does the Content violate any laws or another’s rights of privacy or publicity.
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I understand that PNNL will do its best to provide worldwide access (via the internet) to my Content. To support these efforts, I grant PNNL, through its repository, the following non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide rights, and licenses:
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- These terms do not transfer ownership of the copyright(s) in the Content. These terms only grant to PNNL the limited license outlined above.
Last updated August 9, 2022