Data Sample
North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone tracks, intensity, and rainfall dataset from RAFT
How to cite:
A North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone tracks, intensity, and rainfall dataset. (2023) Wenwei Xu, Karthik Balaguru, David R. Judi, Julian Rice, and L. Ruby Leung, prepared for submission.
Data Description:
Risk Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclones (RAFT), is a unified framework capable of simulating tens of thousands of TCs and their impacts based on the large-scale environments. This dataset includes 50,000 RAFT simulated synthetic tropical cyclone events with the 6-hourly track locations, along track intensity (maximum wind speed and minimum pressure), radius of maximum winds, and accumulative precipitation from each synthetic event. The NetCDF4 file named "" contains the complete set of variables for the synthetic TCs, as described in Table 1 in the paper.
We provide accumulated rainfall for each storm as an individual HDF5 file, named according the the convention "modeled\_rainfall\_ERA5\_syn\_{i}.h5", where the {i} is the synthetic storm's ID number. "ERA5" denotes the source of the reanalysis inputs, while "syn" denotes that this file is for a synthetic track. Each of these files contains five variables: total accumulated rainfall, and its four constitutive TCR components, frictional, topographic, shear, and vortex stretching. The units are total millimeters of precipitation. The data is provided on a regular spatial grid, defined in "latlon_grid.h5", which describes the grid in two variables, lat and lon. For more details on how to use the dataset, please refer to the paper.
Funding Acknowledgment:
This work was supported by the Multisector Dynamics and Regional and Global Model Analysis program areas of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research as part of the multi-program, collaborative Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM) project. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for DOE by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830.
Additional questions can be directed to Wenwei Xu (