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pmartR Software Overview The pmartR package provides a single software tool for QC (filtering and normalization), exploratory data analysis (EDA), and statistical analysis (robust to missing data) and includes numerous visualization capabilities of mass spectrometry (MS) omics data (proteomic...

Dr. Jason McDermott, senior research scientist, has extensive research experience in molecular and structural virology and data resource design, data integration and prediction of biological networks, bridging experimental and computational biology. Currently, his research interests include data...

Biography Young-Mo Kim is a senior bioanalytical chemist at PNNL. He received his PhD from Pohang University of Science and Technology in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, studying analysis of metabolites during the bacterial and fungal degradation of xenobiotic substrates using...

Biography Ernesto Nakayasu is a senior research scientist focused on understanding molecular mechanisms of diseases. Nakayasu has been applying systems biology and mass spectrometry-based omics measurements to study how pathogens and metabolic alterations cause human diseases; the goal is to...