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Omics Lethal Human Virus, SARS-CoV Experiment SM001 New uploads pending The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the human host response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) wild-type virus. Sample data was obtained for 20 week-old C57BL/6J mouse lung tissue infected...

MERS-CoV Experiment MDC001 Processed Omics Data Unavailable This experiment evaluated primary human dendritic cells infected with a wild type MERS-CoV (icMERS) virus. Related Experimental Data BioProject: PRJNA315103 GEO: GSE79172 (mRNA transcriptome response) Acknowledgment of Federal Funding The...

PerCon SFA, Co-Investigator Vivian Lin earned her PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley with Professor Chris Chang, developing fluorescent probes for imaging redox active small molecules. Afterward, she traveled to Switzerland for a postdoctoral fellowship in the...