MCSs and IDC in the US for 2004 – 2017

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The database provides high-resolution (4-km, hourly) information of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and isolated deep convection events (IDC) east of the Rocky Mountains over the contiguous United States from 2004 – 2017. The database contains various characteristics of MCSs and IDC, such as their lifecycle evolutions, lifetimes, spatial coverages, echo-top heights, precipitation features, convective and stratiform separation, convective core features, propagation speed, etc.

Projects (1)
People (4)

Jianfeng is a Post Doctorate Associate at PNNL. He is interested in combining atmospheric chemistry and physics to explore the comprehensive impacts of atmospheric processes on air quality and climate change. His recent research is to investigate the relationship between convection and extreme...

Zhe is a scientist at PNNL. His recent efforts involve understanding the impact of climate change to mesoscale convective systems and extreme precipitation and using innovative methods and advanced observations to evaluate and improve the representations of convective clouds, mesoscale convective...

Yun is a scientist at PNNL. He has been leading projects investigating the impacts of snow and ice impurities on climate and water resources. He is also interested in land-atmosphere-cloud interaction, including the impact of urbanization and irrigation. Recently he has been working on the...

Dr. L. Ruby Leung is a Battelle Fellow at PNNL. Her research broadly cuts across multiple areas in modeling and analysis of climate and the hydrological cycle, including land-atmosphere interactions, orographic processes, monsoon climate, climate extremes, land surface processes, and aerosol-cloud...