Beaver Creek Soil Incubation Data

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The dataset accompanies the manuscript Antecedent conditions determine the biogeochemical response of coastal soils to seawater exposure" that evaluates impact of periodic seawater inundations of soils from in a first-order coastal watershed in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, USA. Samples were collected in July 2018 and subjected to laboratory incubations. The files contain a read me file, data files including soil chemical characteristics, FTICR-MS molecular and data file, FTICR-MS derived processed data from FREDA, reference file for transformation analysis, LC-MS derived molecular feature abundance data, gas flux data for multiple regression and R codes. The files are related to the publication and have been used in the results and analyses section.

Projects (1)
People (2)

Dr. Aditi Sengupta is a soil microbial ecologist working on resolving carbon biogeochemistry dynamics at terrestrial-aquatic interfaces. Her research interests span soil microbial ecology of oligotrophic systems, plant-soil-microbe interactions, and marginal soil research.

Dr. Stegen has worked at PNNL since 2011. He is a Co-principal Investigator for PNNL’s DOE-funded Subsurface Biogeochemical Research-Science Focus Area project. He is also a principal investigator on a number of other projects focused on environmental sciences, with a particular emphasis on...