Please cite as: Naasko K.I., D.T. Naylor, E.B. Graham, S.P. Couvillion, R.E. Danczak, N. Tolic, and C.D. Nicora, et al. 2023. Influence of soil depth, moisture, and plants on multi-omic features and carbon chemistry in a calcareous soil: Sequence Data. [Data Set] PNNL DataHub.
This file was created by Bill Nelson
1. Title of Dataset: Depth and moisture effects on soil chemistry and microbiome composition 2020 Naasko
2. Contributors:
Principal Investigator: Kirsten Hofmockel
Data contributor (creator, producer, etc): Katherine Naasko
3. Information about funding sources supporting the data: DOE BER GSP Soil Microbiome SFA, FWP
4. Geographic location of data collection: 46°15'04"N, 119°43'43"W, Prosser, WA, USA
5. Data History (single date, range, approximate date) <suggested format YYYY-MM-DD>:
A. Reporting Date: 2023-03-10
B. Data activity type:
D. Activity Reporter Contact Information : nels329
1. Data Activity Type Record:
A. File List:
1. - 16S amplicon data from 144 samples
2. - fungal ITS amplicon data from 144 samples
C. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:
<include full name and version of software, and any necessary packages or libraries needed to run scripts>
D. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate:
E. Environmental/experimental conditions:
WSU Irrigated Agriculture and Research Extension Center in Prosser, WA
July 20 and 21, 2020
Three replicates each of 6 treatments (Unirrigated bare, 25% field capacity (FC) bare, 25% FC Alkar, 100% FC Alkar, 25% FC Jose, 100% FC Jose);
cores subsectioned into 4 depth horizons (0-5cm, 5-15cm, 15-48cm, 48-100cm(max)); collected forward and reverse reads
F. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:
1. - a zip archive of a folder containing 144 gzipped fastq files, a manifest file, and a metadata yml file.
2. - a zip archive of a folder containing 144 gzipped fastq files, a manifest file, and a metadata yml file.