EAGLES Liquid Cloud Testbed Large Eddy Simulation Library (v2)

Dataset Image

Testbed regions and related field campaigns identified under the EAGLES project. Background color is effective radiative forcing from aerosol-cloud interactions (ERFaci) from E3SMv1, with darker blue indicating greater magnitude of negative ERFaci. Inset figures are cloud field visualizations from PINACLES large eddy simulations.


EAGLES Liquid Cloud Testbed Large Eddy Simulation Library (v2)

This library consists of large eddy simulation (LES) model output using the PINACLES codebase coupled to the Hebrew University Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics scheme representing shallow, liquid phase clouds from a range of global liquid cloud testbed regions as well as some well known LES model intercomparison cases. This data is particularly suitable for examining microphysical modeling assumptions in coarser-scale models, and was used for this purpose in the work "“Evaluation of Autoconversion Representation in E3SM.v2 using an Ensemble of Large-Eddy Simulations of Low-Level Warm Clouds” by M. Ovchinnikov, P.-L. Ma, C. M. Kaul, K. G. Pressel, M. Huang, J. Shpund, and S. Tang

Download links for each bundle:


atex.tar (includes the following files)
 dycoms.tar (includes the following files)
ena_jul.tar (includes the following files)
ena_jan.tar (includes the following files)
 sgp_aug.tar (includes the following files)

