GridLAB-D: An Open-source Power Systems Modeling and Simulation Environment


GridLAB-D™ is an open source project to develop the next generation power system simulation technology. It was initiated in 2004 by the US Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and has been continued since in collaboration with industry and academia. GridLAB-D incorporates advanced load modeling techniques, with high-performance solution algorithms to deliver end-use load modeling, coupled with power system models, market models, distribution automation models, and software integration tools for users of many power system analysis tools.

Projects (1)

PNNL’s Vision Statement for Equity in the Power Grid Drawing from a wealth of interdisciplinary research in grid modernization, PNNL is spearheading an effort to advance equity and energy justice through the role of scientific research with the goal of building an advanced national power grid...

  1. Datasets

Datasets (2)