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Some of the most rapid environmental changes on the planet are experienced in high-latitude regions. These changes affect all Earth system components, including the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere, and marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and have both regional and global implications. The main...
  1. Datasets


Fusarium sp. DS682 Proteogenomics Statistical Data Analysis of SFA dataset download: 10.25584/KSOmicsFspDS682/1766303 . GitHub Repository Source: MaxQuant Export Files (txt) Trelliscope Boxplots (jsonp) Fusarium Report (.Rmd, html)...

The database contains observational analyses and model results that are used in publications, reports and/or manuscripts in review, related to climate and environmental changes of the Earth system, especially in high-latitude regions. This is for the HiLAT project, which is a SFA supported by DOE...
The database contains observational analyses and model results that are used in publications, reports and/or manuscripts in review, related to climate and environmental changes of the Earth system, especially in high-latitude regions. This is for the HiLAT project, which is a SFA supported by DOE...

These GCAM v4.3 SSP-RCP-GCM Output Databases are made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: . GCAM v4.3 SSP-RCP-GCM plausible solution databases. Supplemental dataset to: Graham N.T., M.I. Hejazi, M. Chen, E. Davies, J.A. Edmonds, S.H...