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HDF5 file containing 10,000 hydraulic transmissivity inputs and the corresponding hydraulic pressure field outputs for a two-dimensional saturated flow model of the Hanford Site. The inputs are generated by sampling a 1,000-dimensional Kosambi-Karhunen-Loève (KKL) model of the transmissivity field...

This data was generated by the organization GORDIAN. Activities can be phone calls, transactions, or any other type of communications. Most of the files are of the type .csv; and can be opened in a text editor. A description of the data and how to read it can be found in the html files for the...

Please cite as : Zegeye E., C.J. Brislawn, Y. Farris, S.J. Fansler, K.S. Hofmockel, J.K. Jansson, and A.T. Wright, et al. 2019. WA-IsoC_NAG.1.0 (Amplicon 16S/ITS, WA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub. Investigation of the successional dynamics of a soil...