Please cite as: Anderson L.N., W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, R. Wu, S.J. Fansler, Y. Farris, and J.K. Jansson, et al. 2020. WA-TmG.1.0 (Metagenome, WA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub.
To enable a comprehensive survey of the metabolic potential of complex soil microbiomes, we performed ultra-deep metagenome sequencing, collecting >1 terabase of sequence data from grassland soils representing different precipitation regimes. Soil sample collections representing an arid regime soil (irrigated agriculture), were collected from Washington State University’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC).
Metagenomics sequencing of material recovered from environmental soil samples to provide insight into biodiversity and function of associated environmental data. The versions described in this paper are the first version. Dataset download contains raw read sequencing files, assembly files, functional annotation files, a field site collection plot map, metadata information, and a dataset “Read Me” file.
Data Package Resource Files:
WA-TmG.1.0 OSTI Record (.JSON)
Items below available from Download Button:
WA-TmG.1.0 Plot Map
WA-TmG.1.0 Functional Annotations [1.6 GB; 3 items]
WA-TmG.1.0 Assembly [30.1 GB; 6 items]
WA-TmG.1.0 Raw Reads [642.3 GB; 8 items]