Selection and enrichment of microbial species with an increased lignocellulolytic phenotype from a native soil microbiome by activity-based probing

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Citation: Reichart NJ, Steiger AK, Van Fossen EM, McClure R, Overkleeft HS, Wright AT. Selection and enrichment of microbial species with an increased lignocellulolytic phenotype from a native soil microbiome by activity-based probing. ISME Commun. 2023 Sep 30;3(1):106. doi: 10.1038/s43705-023-00305-w. PMID: 37777628; PMCID: PMC10542759.

Projects (2)

The science objectives of this project are to: Functionally enrich microbial communities and generate multi-omics to correlate biochemical mechanisms to activity. ​ Integrate PhenoProfiling with Thrust Areas 2 and 3 to develop models for phenotype prediction and interspecies interactions.​ Evaluate...

  1. Datasets


The Predictive Phenomics Science & Technology Initiative (PPI) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are tackling the grand challenge of understanding and predicting phenotype by identifying the molecular basis of function and enable function-driven design and control of biological systems...

  1. Datasets

Datasets (1)
People (1)

Nick Reichart earned his PhD in biochemistry from Montana State University where he developed a workflow for bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging to determine the activity of uncultured microbes in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. Afterward, he started as a postdoctoral...