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"DNA Viral Diversity, Abundance, and Functional Potential Vary across Grassland Soils with a Range of Historical Moisture Regimes" Soil viruses are abundant, but the influence of the environment and climate on soil viruses remains poorly understood. Here, we addressed this gap by comparing the...

Fusarium sp. DS682 Proteogenomics Statistical Data Analysis of SFA dataset download: 10.25584/KSOmicsFspDS682/1766303 . GitHub Repository Source: MaxQuant Export Files (txt) Trelliscope Boxplots (jsonp) Fusarium Report (.Rmd, html)...

These GCAM v4.3 SSP-RCP-GCM Output Databases are made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License: . GCAM v4.3 SSP-RCP-GCM plausible solution databases. Supplemental dataset to: Graham N.T., M.I. Hejazi, M. Chen, E. Davies, J.A. Edmonds, S.H...