Showing 1 - 4 of 4

Pending Review Microbiomes contribute to multiple ecosystem services by transforming organic matter in soil. Extreme shifts in the environment, such as drying-rewetting cycles during drought, can impact microbial metabolism of organic matter by altering their physiology and function. These...

Human infections caused by viral pathogens trigger a complex gamut of host responses that limit disease, resolve infection, generate immunity, and contribute to severe disease or death. Here, we present experimental methods and multi-omics data capture approaches representing the global host...

Last updated on 2023-04-24T18:38:03+00:00 by LN Anderson Instrument Data Source Profile Instrument Name: Agilent DNA Microarray Scanner Model: G25025C Data Type: Microarray hybridisation data (mRNA, miRNA) Method Taxon: Expression profiling by array, Non-coding RNA profiling by array Topic Areas...

Last updated on 2024-03-03T02:26:52+00:00 by LN Anderson The Thermo Scientific™ Velos Pro™ Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer instrument data source combines advanced mass accuracy with an ultra-high resolution Orbitrap mass analyzer for increased sensitivity, enabling molecular weight determination for...