Showing 1 - 15 of 21

Soil fungi facilitate the translocation of inorganic nutrients from soil minerals to other microorganisms and plants. This ability is particularly advantageous in impoverished soils, because fungal mycelial networks can bridge otherwise spatially disconnected and inaccessible nutrient hotspots...

"Deconstructing the Soil Microbiome into Reduced-Complexity Functional Modules" The soil microbiome represents one of the most complex microbial communities on the planet, encompassing thousands of taxa and metabolic pathways, rendering holistic analyses computationally intensive and difficult. Here...

"Visualizing the Hidden Half: Plant-Microbe Interactions in the Rhizosphere" Plant roots and the associated rhizosphere constitute a dynamic environment that fosters numerous intra- and interkingdom interactions, including metabolite exchange between plants and soil mediated by root exudates and the...

Real-time electronic structure methods provide an unprecedented view of electron dynamics and ultrafast spectroscopy on the atto- and femtosecond time scale with vast potential to yield new insights into the electronic behavior of molecules and materials. In this Review, we discuss the fundamental...

The quantum mechanical treatment of both electrons and nuclei is crucial in nonadiabatic dynamical processes such as proton-coupled electron transfer. The nuclear−electronic orbital (NEO) method provides an elegant framework for including nuclear quantum effects beyond the Born–Oppenheimer...

"Moisture modulates soil reservoirs of active DNA and RNA viruses" Soil is known to harbor viruses, but the majority are uncharacterized and their responses to environmental changes are unknown. Here, we used a multi-omics approach (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics) to detect...

Biography Ernesto Nakayasu is a senior research scientist focused on understanding molecular mechanisms of diseases. Nakayasu has been applying systems biology and mass spectrometry-based omics measurements to study how pathogens and metabolic alterations cause human diseases; the goal is to...

This data was generated by the organization GORDIAN. Activities can be phone calls, transactions, or any other type of communications. Most of the files are of the type .csv; and can be opened in a text editor. A description of the data and how to read it can be found in the html files for the...

This data was generated by the organization IvySys. Activities can be phone calls, transactions, or any other type of communications. Most of the files are of the type .edges, .rdf, or .csv; but all can be opened in a text editor. A good introduction to this data can be found in \Tutorial1\MAA...

Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V1.0 (September 2017) – Three preliminary channel background graphs with and without embedded signal patterns.
Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V2.0 (October 2017) – Preliminary channel background graph with embedded signal patterns at various sizes (~7K, ~50K, and ~100K nodes). Signal patterns have also been extracted...
Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V3.0 (March 2018) - Twelve examples of five-channel background graphs with embedded signal patterns at around ~1M nodes each. Multiple signal patterns have been embedded into each...
Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V4.0 (June 2018)
Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V5.0 (September 2018)
Various graph datasets, documentation, and tools are provided here by the SDGG-MAA project. PNNL DARPA MAA Graph Dataset V6.0 (December 2018)