Showing 1 - 4 of 4

Omics-LHV, West Nile Experiment WCD003 The purpose of this West Nile experiment was to obtain samples for omics analysis in mouse dendritic cell response to wild-type West Nile virus (WNV). Overall Design: Mouse dendritic cells (2 x 10^5) were treated with wild-type WNV and collected in parallel...

This data was generated by the organization GORDIAN. Activities can be phone calls, transactions, or any other type of communications. Most of the files are of the type .csv; and can be opened in a text editor. A description of the data and how to read it can be found in the html files for the...

Systems Virology Lethal Human Virus, SARS-CoV Experiment SCL009 New uploads pending The purpose of this SARS experiment was to obtain samples for metabolome and lipidome analysis comparing wild type virus (icSARS) infected Human lung tissue 2B4 (Calu-3 clonal derivative) cells to mock infected cells...

Systems Virology Lethal Human Virus, SARS-CoV Experiment SCL012 New uploads pending The purpose of this SARS experiment was to obtain samples for metabolome and lipidome analysis comparing wild type virus (icSARS) vs icSARS CoV deltaORF6 infected Human lung tissue 2B4 (Calu-3 clonal derivative)...