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Viral communities detected from three large grassland soil metagenomes with historically different precipitation moisture regimes.

Pending Review Microbiomes contribute to multiple ecosystem services by transforming organic matter in soil. Extreme shifts in the environment, such as drying-rewetting cycles during drought, can impact microbial metabolism of organic matter by altering their physiology and function. These...

Dr. Jason McDermott, senior research scientist, has extensive research experience in molecular and structural virology and data resource design, data integration and prediction of biological networks, bridging experimental and computational biology. Currently, his research interests include data...

Biography Young-Mo Kim is a senior bioanalytical chemist at PNNL. He received his PhD from Pohang University of Science and Technology in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, studying analysis of metabolites during the bacterial and fungal degradation of xenobiotic substrates using...

Biography Ernesto Nakayasu is a senior research scientist focused on understanding molecular mechanisms of diseases. Nakayasu has been applying systems biology and mass spectrometry-based omics measurements to study how pathogens and metabolic alterations cause human diseases; the goal is to...

PerCon SFA, Co-Investigator Vivian Lin earned her PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley with Professor Chris Chang, developing fluorescent probes for imaging redox active small molecules. Afterward, she traveled to Switzerland for a postdoctoral fellowship in the...