Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Viral communities detected from three large grassland soil metagenomes with historically different precipitation moisture regimes.

The rhizosphere represents a dynamic and complex interface between plant hosts and the microbial community found in the surrounding soil. While it is recognized that manipulating the rhizosphere has the potential to improve plant fitness and health, engineering the rhizosphere microbiome through...

Agriculture is the largest source of greenhouse gases (GHG) production. Conversion of nitrogen fertilizers into more reduced forms by microbes through a process known as biological nitrification drives GHG production, enhances proliferation of toxic algal blooms, and increases cost of crop...

A major challenge in biotechnology and biomanufacturing is the identification of a set of biomarkers for perturbations and metabolites of interest. Here, we develop a data-driven, transcriptome-wide approach to rank perturbation-inducible genes from time-series RNA sequencing data for the discovery...

Elise Van Fossen is a Post-Doctorate Research Associate in the Biological Sciences Division. Her research focuses on developing synthetic and chemical biology techniques for microorganism engineering.

Dr. Joshua Elmore is a Chemical Engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He received his Ph. D. from the University of Georgia in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry studying the mechanisms of CRISPR/Cas microbial immune systems in hyperthermophilic Archaea. He was a...

PerCon SFA, Co-Investigator Vivian Lin earned her PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley with Professor Chris Chang, developing fluorescent probes for imaging redox active small molecules. Afterward, she traveled to Switzerland for a postdoctoral fellowship in the...