Showing 91 - 105 of 20574

Extreme weather events, including fires, heatwaves(HWs), and droughts, have significant impacts on earth, environmental, and power energy systems. Mechanistic and predictive understanding, as well as probabilistic risk assessment of these extreme weather events, are crucial for detecting, planning...

Simulated x-ray absorption spectra calculated with the FEFF code for various models of Cu incorporated into the iron oxide mineral hematite. The structures are drawn from publically available ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.

The utility of transfer learning to improve the performance of deep learning in axon segmentation Data Data: All the input and labeled volumes tf-logs: Tensorflow logs, view with command "tensorboard --logdir [name of folder]" Model Weights: model_weights: the argument list under variable combo...

We have aggregated the most recent soil moisture datasets from a diverse range of sources, encompassing the Continental United States (CONUS). These sources encompass gridded data from remote sensing products, reanalysis products, machine learning-based projects, and land surface modeling products...

Surface meteorological data collected from the PNNL - Sequim "Upstairs" Campus. The data is collected by various instruments manufactured by Campbell Scientific deployed on a 3m tripod. The variables measured at this station are wind direction, wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, surface...

This website contains the dataset that was used for writing the manuscript "HT Model: Using the Molecular Transformer for predicting hydrotreating reactions" The dataset includes a collection of hydrotreating reactions compiled from 41 peer-reviewed literature sources. These sources contain...

As energy prices rise and climate change brings more extreme and frequent days of heating and cooling, households must allocate more of their income to energy bills, increasing their energy burden. Many strategies are employed to alleviate high energy burden, such as weatherization, energy...

A total of 172 children from the DAISY study with multiple plasma samples collected over time, with up to 23 years of follow-up, were characterized via proteomics analysis. Of the children there were 40 controls and 132 cases. All 132 cases had measurements across time relative to IA. Sampling was...

The PNNL-PFAS database was constructed to provide quantitative infrared spectra of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the gas phase. These fluorine-rich, organic compounds have been used as non-flammable solvents, cleaning agents, and in the manufacture of a diverse variety of consumer...

This dataset presents land surface parameters designed explicitly for global kilometer-scale Earth system modeling and has significant implications for enhancing our understanding of water, carbon, and energy cycles in the context of global change. Specifically, it includes four categories of...

HDF5 file containing 10,000 hydraulic transmissivity inputs and the corresponding hydraulic pressure field outputs for a two-dimensional saturated flow model of the Hanford Site. The inputs are generated by sampling a 1,000-dimensional Kosambi-Karhunen-Loève (KKL) model of the transmissivity field...

North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone tracks, intensity, and rainfall dataset from RAFT How to cite: A North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone tracks, intensity, and rainfall dataset. (2023) Wenwei Xu, Karthik Balaguru, David R. Judi, Julian Rice, and L. Ruby Leung, prepared for submission...

This dataset is a flat file version of the Department of Energy (DOE) Public Reading Room holdings. It has been publicly available for decades. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires certain kinds of documents be made available to the public for inspection and copying. The collection...

This dataset containing the synthesis methods, phase and particle size of iron oxide nanomaterials have been collected from previously reported studies as well as experimental data collected in the laboratory at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA. The dataset includes 780 pieces of data...

Last updated on 2024-09-17T15:49:08+00:00 by LN Anderson PerCon SFA: Profiling sorghum-microbe interactions with a specialized photoaffinity probe identifies key sorgoleone binders in Acinetobacter pitti Mass spectrometry-based global proteome analysis and SoDA-PAL photoaffinity probe labeled...