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Viral communities detected from three large grassland soil metagenomes with historically different precipitation moisture regimes.

Code pertaining to the Soil Microbiome SFA Project publication data visualizations 'DNA viral diversity, abundance and functional potential vary across grassland soils with a range of historical moisture regimes' for processing publication data downloads.

Viral communities detected from three large grassland soil metagenomes with historically different precipitation moisture regimes.

Viral communities detected from three large grassland soil metagenomes with historically different precipitation moisture regimes.

Dr. Paul Piehowski is the Proteomics team leader for PNNL’s Environmental and Molecular Sciences Division and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) user program. Piehowski is an analytical chemist whose research is focused on the application of mass spectrometry to biological...

The Community Land Model (CLM) is an effective tool to simulate the biophysical and biogeochemical processes and their interactions with the atmosphere. Although CLM Version 5 (CLM5) constitutes various updates in these processes, its performance in simulating energy, water and carbon cycles over...
Earth Scientist Emily Graham is an quantitative ecosystem ecologist in the Biological Sciences Group at PNNL and is part of the Ecosystem Science Team. She is co-principal investigator of the Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Science Focus Area (SFA) and a key member of PNNL’s soil microbiome SFA...
The novel fungal strain, Fusarium sp. DS 682, was isolated from the rhizosphere of the perennial grass, Bouteloua gracilis , at the Konza Prairie Biological Station in Kansas. This fungal strain is common across North American grasslands and is resilient to environmental fluctuations. The draft...
Coastal landscapes are increasingly exposed to seawater due to sea level rise and extreme weather events. The biogeochemical responses of these vulnerable ecosystems are poorly understood, limiting our ability to predict how their role in global biogeochemical cycles will shift under future...
  1. Datasets

The soil microbiome is central to the cycling of carbon and other nutrients and to the promotion of plant growth. Despite its importance, analysis of the soil microbiome is difficult due to its sheer complexity, with thousands of interacting species. Here, we reduced this complexity by developing...
As part of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) Science Focus Area program, we are investigating the impact of environmental change on microbial community function in grassland soils. Three grassland soils, representing different moisture regimes, were selected for ultra-deep...

The literature on the effects of radiation on the properties of various polymers and composites has been briefly reviewed for the purpose of identifying polymeric materials that could be irradiated to improve their performance. Radiation treatment of polymers may lead to cross-linking or chain...

Scientific advancements in healthcare driven both by technological breakthroughs and an aging and increasingly obese population have lead to a changing medical device market. Complex products and devices are being developed to meet the demands of leading edge medical procedures.Specialized materials...

An alternative method is presented for determining the maximum acceptable dose in products irradiated in electron beam processes. When the presentation of an individual product to the radiation field results in a high dose uniformity ratio, this can present a challenge for accurate testing of a...

Ionizing radiation has been found to be widely applicable in modifying the structure and properties of polymers, and can be used to tailor the performance of either bulk materials or surfaces. Fifty years of research in polymer radiation chemistry has led to numerous applications of commercial and...