Please cite as: Anderson L.N., R. Wu, W.C. Nelson, J.E. McDermott, K.S. Hofmockel, and J.K. Jansson. 2021. WA-TmG.2.0 (Metagenome, WA). [Data Set] PNNL DataHub.
Soil samples were collected in triplicate in the fall of 2017 across the three grassland locations having differences in historical annual precipitation field site locations (WA, IA, KS). For each location, one deeply sequenced composite metagenome was obtained to detect viral contigs using a bioinformatics workflow approach. In addition, each of the three field soil samples were individually sequenced (0.5 Tb each) to provide three replicate metagenomes for a statistical comparison of the impact of historical annual precipitation on viral types, relative abundances, diversity, and AMGs.
Metagenomics sequencing of material recovered from environmental soil samples is to provide insight into the biodiversity and function of associated environmental data. Terabase soil metagenome samples were collected from Washington State University’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC) field site. Soil samples were collected from the same independent soil site collection tubes as the first release (WA-TmG.1.0), however were not pooled prior to sequencing as previously reported (10.1128/MRA.00718-20). The versions described in this paper are the second version (2.0), for which dataset downloads contain raw read sequencing files, assembly files, functional annotations, metadata information, and a dataset download “Read Me” file. For reference field site collection plot map, please see the IAREC WA-TmG.1.0 data download plot map listed below under the data dictionary.
Data Package Resource Files:
- WA-TmG.2.0 package "Read Me"
- WA-TmG.2.0 MIMS.soil.5.0 metadata
Data Available at Download Button:
- WA-TmG.2.0 Raw Reads [356 GB; 6 items]
Data Pending:
- WA-TmG.1.0 Functional Annotations
- WA-TmG.1.0 Assembly