Interaction Networks Are Driven by Community-Responsive Phenotypes in a Chitin-Degrading Consortium of Soil Microbes

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The soil microbiome performs many functions that are key to ecology, agriculture, and nutrient cycling. However, because of the complexity of this ecosystem we do not know the molecular details of the interactions between microbial species that lead to these important functions. Here, we use a representative but simplified model community of bacteria to understand the details of these interactions. We show that certain species act as primary degraders of carbon sources and that the most successful species are likely those that can take the most advantage of breakdown products, not necessarily the primary degraders. We also show that a species phenotype, including whether it is a primary degrader or not, is driven in large part by the membership of the community it resides in. These conclusions are critical to a better understanding of the soil microbial interaction network and how these interactions drive central soil microbiome functions.

Projects (1)

The Phenotypic Response of the Soil Microbiome to Environmental Perturbations Project (Soil Microbiome SFA) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a Genomic Sciences Program Science Focus Area (SFA) Project operating under the Environmental Microbiome Science Research Area. The Soil Microbiome...

  1. Datasets

Datasets (3)
People (7)

Publications: 2018 Khan NE, Y Maezato, RS McClure, CJ Brislawn, JM Mobberley, NG Isern, WB Chrisler, LM Markillie, BM Barney, HS Song, WC Nelson, and HC Bernstein. 2018. "Phenotypic responses to interspecies competition and commensalism in a naturally-derived microbial co-culture." Scientific...

PNNL Publications 2020 Ogden A.J., T.W. Wietsma, T.E. Winkler, Y. Farris, G.L. Myers, and A. Ahkami. 2020. "Dynamics of Global Gene Expression and Regulatory Elements in Growing Brachypodium Root System." Scientific Reports 10. PNNL-SA-145907. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-63224-z 2019 Boiteau R.M., S.J...

Dr. Nelson is a computational scientist at PNNL. Since coming to PNNL, he has focused on methods to determine precise understanding of microbial community structure and function through the resolution of individual genome sequences from metagenomic data, and exploration of variation between...

Hyun Song’s research is directed toward developing modeling and computational tools for the simulation of cellular metabolism and microbial community dynamics. His research interest in metabolic modeling includes 1) omics data-guided estimation of flux distribution in a genome-scale metabolic...

Sneha Couvillion’s current research focuses on deciphering microbial metabolic activity and interactions using a combination of powerful mass-spectrometry (MS)-based omics methods (metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics) in a variety of environmental and human health related projects. Expertise...

Janet Jansson is Chief Scientist for Biology in the Biological Sciences Division and a Laboratory Fellow at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Jansson has more than 30 years of experience in microbial ecology. Jansson earned an Soil Microbiology at Colorado State University...

As Integrative Research Scientist, Dr. Hofmockel develops the overall science and technology strategy for EMSL in collaboration with the Deputy Directors. Responsible for EMSL’s Strategic Science Area in collaboration with the Deputy Directors. Is the interface with BER and the user community for...