Ryan McClure

Person Image




  • Khan NE, Y Maezato, RS McClure, CJ Brislawn, JM Mobberley, NG Isern, WB Chrisler, LM Markillie, BM Barney, HS Song, WC Nelson, and HC Bernstein. 2018. "Phenotypic responses to interspecies competition and commensalism in a naturally-derived microbial co-culture." Scientific Reports 8:297.  doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18630-1


  • Bernstein HC, RS McClure, V Thiel, NC Sadler, YM Kim, WB Chrisler, EA Hill, DA Bryant, MF Romine, JK Jansson, JK Fredrickson, and AS Beliaev. 2017. "Indirect interspecies regulation; transcriptional and physiological responses of a cyanobacterium to heterotrophic partnership." mSystems 2(2):Article No. e00181-16.  doi:10.1128/mSystems.00181-16


  • Bernstein HC, RS McClure, EA Hill, LM Markillie, WB Chrisler, MF Romine, JE McDermott, MC Posewitz, DA Bryant, A Konopka, JK Fredrickson, and AS Beliaev. 2016. "Unlocking the Constraints of Cyanobacterial Productivity: Acclimations Enabling Ultrafast Growth." mBio 7(4):Article No. e00949-16.  doi:10.1128/mBio.00949-16
  • McClure RS, CC Overall, JE McDermott, EA Hill, LM Markillie, LA McCue, RC Taylor, M Ludwig, DA Bryant, and AS Beliaev. 2016. "Network Analysis of Transcriptomics Expands Regulatory Landscapes in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002." Nucleic Acids Research 44(18):8810-8825.  doi:10.1093/nar/gkw737


  • Bernstein HC, MA Charania, RS McClure, NC Sadler, MR Melnicki, EA Hill, LM Markillie, CD Nicora, AT Wright, MF Romine, and AS Beliaev. 2015. "Multi-omic Dynamics Associate Oxygenic Photosynthesis with Nitrogenase-mediated H2 production in Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142." Scientific Reports 5:Article No. 16004.  doi:10.1038/srep16004
  • Song HS, RS McClure, HC Bernstein, CC Overall, EA Hill, and AS Beliaev. 2015. "Integrated in silico analyses of regulatory and metabolic networks of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 reveal relationships between gene centrality and essentiality." Life 5(2):1127-1140. doi:10.3390/life5021127


Projects (2)

The Phenotypic Response of the Soil Microbiome to Environmental Perturbations Project (Soil Microbiome SFA) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a Genomic Sciences Program Science Focus Area (SFA) Project operating under the Environmental Microbiome Science Research Area. The Soil Microbiome...

  1. Datasets


Last updated on 2023-02-23T19:37:46+00:00 by LN Anderson PerCon SFA Project Publication Experimental Data Catalog The Persistence Control of Engineered Functions in Complex Soil Microbiomes Project (PerCon SFA) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ( PNNL ) is a Genomic Sciences Program...

  1. Datasets

Datasets (1)
Publications (6)
Ryan McClure
Dan Naylor
Yuliya Farris
Michelle R Davison
Sarah J. Fansler
Kirsten Hofmockel
Janet K. Jansson
Elias Zegeye
Colin Brislawn
Yuliya Farris
Sarah J. Fansler
Kirsten Hofmockel
Janet K. Jansson
Aaron Wright
Emily Graham
Dan Naylor
Ryan McClure
Hans Bernstein
Dan Naylor
Sarah J. Fansler
William C Nelson
Kirsten Hofmockel
Janet K. Jansson
Ryan McClure
Joshua Elmore
William C Nelson
Yuliya Farris
Jason McDermott
Ryan McClure
Robert Egbert
Caroline (Carrie) Harwood
Janet K. Jansson
Kirsten Hofmockel
Ryan McClure
Dan Naylor
Sneha P Couvillion
Carrie D Nicora
Katherine Naasko
Ryan McClure
Yuliya Farris
William C Nelson
Hyun-Seob Song
Sneha P Couvillion
Janet K. Jansson
Kirsten Hofmockel