As Integrative Research Scientist, Dr. Hofmockel develops the overall science and technology strategy for EMSL in collaboration with the Deputy Directors. Responsible for EMSL’s Strategic Science Area in collaboration with the Deputy Directors. Is the interface with BER and the user community for science. Communicates BER scientific strategy to the Deputy Directors. Dr. Hofmockel is interested how plant-microbe-soil interactions influence plant productivity, soil biogeochemistry and the land-atmosphere exchange of carbon. This research connects microbial processes to ecosystem functions to yield new insights into microbial ecology and elemental cycling.
Her research focuses on finding the answers to these three questions:
·What are the mechanisms structuring soil microbial communities?
·How do functional groups of microorganisms respond to changing environmental conditions (e.g. elevated atmospheric CO2, warming, altered precipitation, agricultural management)?
·How does variation in specific microbial communities relate to decomposition and coupled C-N cycling?
Projects (2)
The Phenotypic Response of the Soil Microbiome to Environmental Perturbations Project (Soil Microbiome SFA) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a Genomic Sciences Program Science Focus Area (SFA) Project operating under the Environmental Microbiome Science Research Area. The Soil Microbiome...
Spruce and Peatlands Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) site is the 8.1-ha S1 bog, a Picea mariana [black spruce] – Sphagnum spp. ombrotrophic bog forest in northern Minnesota, 40 km north of Grand Rapids, in the USDA Forest Service Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF). Two field research...