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The data accompanies the manuscript that evaluates salinity-associated shifts in organic C thermodynamics, biochemical transformations, and heteroatom content in a first-order coastal watershed in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, USA. The files contain raw data including soil chemical...
The database contains 55 compounds and is comprised of the species in the paper referenced below that introduced the concept of the SERDP database.
The data accompanies the manuscript in review that evaluates salinity-associated shifts in organic C thermodynamics, biochemical transformations, and heteroatom content in a first-order coastal watershed in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, USA. The files contain raw data including soil...
The data accompanies the manuscript in review that evaluates salinity-associated shifts in organic C thermodynamics, biochemical transformations, and heteroatom content in a first-order coastal watershed in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, USA. The files contain raw data including soil...
The ability of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) to promote cellular cholesterol efflux is a more robust predictor of cardiovascular disease protection than HDL-cholesterol levels in plasma. Previously, we found that lipidated HDL containing both apolipoprotein A-I (APOA1) and A-II (APOA2) promotes...
Coronaviruses (CoV) emerge suddenly from animal reservoirs to cause novel diseases in new hosts. Discovered in 2012, the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is endemic in camels in the Middle East and is continually causing local outbreaks and epidemics. While all three newly...
Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of hotter and more intense droughts accompanied by aberrant precipitation events. Such extreme environmental shifts can trigger a complex cascade of microbial physiological responses that can impact the microbial community structure and functions...
Please cite as: Graham E.B., and K.S. Hofmockel. 2021. "Ecological stoichiometry as a foundation for omics-enabled biogeochemical models of soil organic matter decomposition." Biogeochemistry 157. doi:10.1007/s10533-021-00851-2 Coupled biogeochemical cycles drive ecosystem ecology by influencing...
Metagenomics is unearthing the previously hidden world of soil viruses. Many soil viral sequences in metagenomes contain putative auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) that are not associated with viral replication. Here, we establish that AMGs on soil viruses actually produce functional, active proteins...
Soil viruses are highly abundant and have important roles in the regulation of host dynamics and soil ecology. Climate change is resulting in unprecedented changes to soil ecosystems and the life forms that reside there, including viruses. In this Review, we explore our current understanding of soil...