The research goal of this project is to develop computational methods to predict cell regulation phenotypes using small molecule and proteome data to understand outcomes in complex biological systems.
The research goal of this project is to develop computational methods to predict cell regulation phenotypes using small molecule and proteome data to understand outcomes in complex biological systems.
The research goal of this project is to develop new theory and tools that leverage evolutionary perspectives and knowledge of the energetics of reactions to predict the most likely regulation in a given environment. These methods will accelerate exploration, modeling and understanding of cell...
The research goal of this project is to identify and control host functions hijacked during viral infection through use of PNNL ‘omics technologies and modeling capabilities.
The research goal of this project is to build and understand model communities that show carbon storage phenotypes
The research objective of this project is to develop an integrative and automated multi-PTM profiling capability with deep proteome coverage.
The science objective of this project is to apply structural proteomics technologies to map the molecular interactome.
The research goal of this project is to use stimuli-specific, synthetic nanobodies to target functional mediators without prior knowledge of the response networks or manipulating the biological system.
The Human Islet Research Network (HIRN) is a large consortia with many research projects focused on understanding how beta cells are lost in type 1 diabetics (T1D) with a goal of finding how to protect against or replace the loss of functional beta cells. The consortia has multiple branches of...
The Predictive Phenomics Science & Technology Initiative (PPI) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are tackling the grand challenge of understanding and predicting phenotype by identifying the molecular basis of function and enable function-driven design and control of biological systems...
The science objectives of this project are to: Functionally enrich microbial communities and generate multi-omics to correlate biochemical mechanisms to activity. ​ Integrate PhenoProfiling with Thrust Areas 2 and 3 to develop models for phenotype prediction and interspecies interactions.​ Evaluate...
Human infections caused by viral pathogens trigger a complex gamut of host responses that limit disease, resolve infection, generate immunity, and contribute to severe disease or death. Here, we present experimental methods and multi-omics data capture approaches representing the global host...
A major challenge in biotechnology and biomanufacturing is the identification of a set of biomarkers for perturbations and metabolites of interest. Here, we develop a data-driven, transcriptome-wide approach to rank perturbation-inducible genes from time-series RNA sequencing data for the discovery...
The rhizosphere represents a dynamic and complex interface between plant hosts and the microbial community found in the surrounding soil. While it is recognized that manipulating the rhizosphere has the potential to improve plant fitness and health, engineering the rhizosphere microbiome through...
Agriculture is the largest source of greenhouse gases (GHG) production. Conversion of nitrogen fertilizers into more reduced forms by microbes through a process known as biological nitrification drives GHG production, enhances proliferation of toxic algal blooms, and increases cost of crop...
Metabolite exchange between plant roots and their associated rhizosphere microbiomes underpins plant growth promotion by microbes. Sorghum bicolor is a cereal crop that feeds animals and humans and is used for bioethanol production. Its root tips exude large amounts of a lipophilic benzoquinone...